Thursday, January 2, 2014

Read Up: 2014

Going into 2014 I have a lot of resolutions... they vary in sizes and level of commitment needed but they all count for something.  One of my blogging resolutions for 2014 is to read more blogs/magazines.  Whether it be learning new things, finding new things, getting ideas and inspiration or just for fun, I'm going to read more! [Reading more books is in that long list too, but thats for my personal resolutions]
So to start this resolution off right, Here are some of my daily reads for 2014. Feel free to join along and read them with me! I promise you won't be disappointed. 

Design + Home Decor
My new favorite websites to read everyday.  I only found domino and adore within the past few months, but they have online magazines you can read for free and they're amazing!

Design Happens: HGTV is my favorite TV show. Hands down. Well, since I'm broke postgrad and can't afford cable.. They have a blog. Yep. Read it. You'll thank me later.
Adore Home: Adore Home Magazine is amazing. They have an online magazine that you can read and a blog. They're style is so fun and current you'll love it.
Domino: Another great online magazine. You have to sign up to see their website but it's worth it. They also post about useful things like... How to Throw a Cocktail Party in Under and Hour.. see, useful right?

Fashion + Lifestyle Blogs
These 3 Blogs are already my go-to reads and let me tell you I'm not going to stop.. I may have an eye for design but fashion is not my expertise. Advice-Taken. Thanks ladies!

Made by Girl: Jen knows her fashion style but she also knows a thing or two about design. Check out her amazing house tour here.
Suburban Faux-Pas: Krystin's sense of fashion is amazing and I wish I could figure out how she does it.  Hopefully on day I'll figure it out.
Life With Emily: Emily could wear a paper bag and make it look good. She's local to NC so I found her blog when I moved to Charlotte and have been reading it ever since.  Her blog is in my "top sites" in safari when I open up a new tab... guilty.

Well, there it is! I actually have a really long list of blogs I follow but these are the ones that I just had to share. Anyone would love them! Any other daily read suggestions I should add to my list?

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