Monday, August 5, 2013

Burlap & Bows

I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend! Besides my obvious shopping filled weekend [refer to my last post] I managed to squeeze in some minor crafting to continue the never ending design of my bedroom.

Here's what I got carried away with this weekend:

With a roll of burlap from the ever so trusty Michael's Craft Store [the closest hobby lobby was a far drive and too much traffic - and those who know my love affair with "hob lob" know I'm dying inside] and a fired up hot glue gun - These [once hideous] lamp shades got the most adorable makeover!

All in all, my ultimate announcement would be that it's official. I'm becoming a southern belle. [kinda]  While my northern style of aggressive driving habits has yet to change, my bedroom now includes an oversized monogram [see post here] and bows.