Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Oscars and Interiors

Watching the Oscars on Sunday night, I couldn't help but focus on the beautiful people and outfits that graced the stage throughout the night.  While I knew that all of my favorite fashion blogs were going to have posts the next day on the best dressed and their top ten favorite dress's, my mind was spinning with this crazy idea that I could bring fashion together with design.  Fashion and design are very similar, and I'm here to convince you of that!

.....one Oscar outfit at a time. In no particular order, here are the top red carpet looks of the night:
[All Oscar images from E Online]

E Online | Discovery Mujer

E Online | Metropolitan Musings

E Online | Dustjacket

E Online | Image

E Online | Tumblr

E Online | Nordstrom

E Online | Houzz

E Online | Image

E Online | Bungalow Blue Interiors

E Online | Image

E Online | Image

What are your thoughts on these Red Carpet looks? Did you watch the Oscars on Sunday?